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Thanks Art for your article. Was thinking about the Nappan Island Bridge. I notice that the pedestrian bridge not getting used and the traffic one has a turn around built. It appears that the large snow plow can,t get across. I wonder about the fire dept ladder truck. The developer went bankrupt so as the planner said development charges would help pay for it when homes are built. So taxpayers are stuck with one point seven million dollar bill. I wonder if the planners considered a causeway with a culvert. This water is backed up from the dam at Healey Falls. When a bridge was placed there at least back in the forty’s to service Puff Ball Inn they wouldn,t have had the dump trucks of today.

Moving along to the proposed new Campbellford bridge I wonder if the planners have considered how the large trucks and double trailers are going to navigate the round about at Alma St. The second consideration is on the East side at second St. Is the large Cranes that go to the Ranney Power plant quite often, will there be enought height and this past year a crane was so big it came in on several flat beds and was built on site. The generator that was moved had to traverse the canal by a barge to get trucked away. I think part of our water problem on Trent Island could relate to the heavy traffic on Trent Drive. Morley Tanner would have never considered the traffic volume when he started the 1st subdivision. When we purchased a new house in Dave Donald subdivision we were told by the plumber we wouldn’t need a sump pump. How times have changed, Parkview at the intersection of Tanner has sank due to water leaking from the canal causing the road to sink, sewage drain hole to tilt, asphalt to fall down in two places, numerous water main breaks, four in two months. When it rains our sump pump gets a real work out. The Municipality recognized this after our complaints and a engineering firm do a plan for reconstruction and a information session at the council chambers. Was not attended by the Mayor who came out afterwards who said it wouldn’t be done until there is money put up by another level of government. I see that this whole area needs some attention. The sewage pumping station on Trent Drive has had the generator removed. A worker told me they had three hours if the power goes off before the sewage backs up. So planning needs to be adjusted to the current situation. Like technology changes about every six months. So Art we will just have to wait but I predict it will be more than three years to be built. Joe Watson

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